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How to set Realistic Goals and Achieve them.

Writer's picture: Workout Moms FitnessWorkout Moms Fitness

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

Do you have trouble sticking to your goals?

There are many reasons why people do not stick to their goals, but the most common one is unrealistic expectations. If you set your goal too high then there's a good chance that it won't be achieved and this will lead to frustration or even anger with yourself as well as others who have tried helping out in anyway possible- like family members for example.

We need something achievable so we know how much work needs done before seeing any progress!

Achieving goals is not an easy task. However, it is possible with the right tools and knowing where to start. This post will cover how to create realistic goals and provide some helpful tips for those looking to make a change in their lives.

Setting goals is an important thing to do. But, if you don't know how to create realistic goals that are achievable then it's not worth the time or effort. That's why I have created this blog post for all the moms who want help with setting and achieving their own goals!

You will learn: - 7 steps on how to set a goal - The best way to keep track of your progress on your goal so you can easily see what needs work and what is going well in order for you to achieve them successfully. - How making a plan helps even more with achieving your goal because it gives you specific things you need to do instead of just vague ideas about what should be done next.

1. Write down your goal- we call this SMARTS goals. (Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Timely, Self-Determined) Example: I want to lose 10 pounds.

2. Break it up into smaller steps Example: I want to lose 1 pound per week.

3. Set a timeline for completion of the goal. Example: I want to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks.

4. Determine what you need to do in order to achieve the goal. Example: I want to lose 1 pound per week by cutting 3500 calories per week out of my diet and walking 1-2 miles per day.

5. Evaluate how often you will need to work on achieving this goal and set realistic expectations for yourself. Example: I will set aside 30 minutes 5 days per week to walk & prep my food on Sundays for the whole week.

6. Celebrate every time you complete one of these small goals, even if they are not related to your final goal! Example: "I lost 1 pound!", "I walked 5 days this week!", "I drank my water intake for the day!"

7) Reward yourself after completing an entire step or milestone towards the larger goal! (examples include buying that new book or movie that you've been wanting, cooking dinner at home instead of going out. Celebrate by soaking in a lavender bath or doing something you love to do. But Do Not go endure in your favorite junk food and undo your progress. Self sabotage will ruin our progress and make us feel disappointment in our selves, cause more harm that good.

This post has been a great guide for those who want to set realistic goals, and then work towards achieving them. We've discussed some of the most important steps you'll need to take in order to complete your goal as well as some tips on how often you should be working on this goal (and what that might look like). But we don't just stop there! The last few points give simple ideas about rewarding yourself when smaller milestones are achieved so that you can stay motivated and continue working toward your final goal. You deserve it! Now go ahead and get started with these guidelines by setting one achievable goal for today, and see where it takes you from here.

I've attached a Goal Checklist for you to print and fill out.



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